What's The Big Idea: You’re a Liar. How to Tell the Truth and Redesign Your Life.
“I am not telling a person to lose their commitment to kindness. Learning how to tell the truth without hurting someone or messing with them is really an art of communication…“
Today’s guest: Max Stossel
His big idea: There’s Another Way To Look At It - The Power Of Perspective
Max Stossel is an award-winning poet + filmmaker named by Forbes as one of the best storytellers of the year. His performances across five continents, from Lincoln Center in NY to the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney, have been described as mind expanding, profound, emotive, and hilarious all at once. His work has been translated to fourteen languages, won multiple film festivals, and has been viewed over 20 million times online.
Max Stossel is also the Head of Education for the Center for Humane Technology, an organization of former tech insiders and CEOs dedicated to realigning technology with humanity’s best interests. Before joining CHT, Max was a media strategist with an extensive background in social, spending more time learning the ins and outs of the facebook algorithm than any human should. He ran social for multinational brands, and later worked for a social media company where he designed some of the same notification structures to distract students that he now criticizes. He provides a unique and much needed critical perspective on the role of technology in the classroom.
The merging of these fields allows Max to provide a fascinating perspective on modern content and culture. He is currently performing Words That Move in theatres, speaking or performing at schools, corporations & events, and helping select brands tell their stories in his style via video.
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Key insights Shared:
Why we as human beings really don’t need to lie
What is the definition of a lie?
The 7 different types of lies (small vs. BIG)
The reasoning in your head that validates the lie
Confidence is a verb and not a noun
Why telling the truth is the greatest act of love
Distinguishing between being honest and telling the truth vs. too much information
If I can’t tell you “I think…(something)”, it must be true
Who are you fully honest with?
The value of having your “core people” that you are completely honest with
The chicken & the brat as voices in your head
The concept of being the warrior gatekeeper of your mind
The idea of the ‘higher-self’
Morality vs. truth-telling
Whether you like it or not, you have an audience in your head!
The areas of life where people are most often lying
The importance of dreams in helping people step into truth-telling and integrity
to learn more about Lauren and her work:
Website: https://www.handelgroup.com/lauren-handel-zander/
Inner.U: https://www.inneru.coach
Twitter: @LaurenZander
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Instagram: @LaurenZander_Coach