WHAT i believe…
Strong relationships are the foundation of success and fulfillment. We become our best when we serve something greater than ourselves. Building healthy relationships is the most rewarding path to unlocking our full potential. LEADERSHIP IS THE highest expression of human evolution - The ability to articulate a vision and inspire action towards win-for-all solutions. Integrity is the compass for a life of meaning - align action with values. The most effective way to inspire others, is to inspire ourselves. Peace is found in fully feeling every emotion. Holy shit we’re alive, be grateful.
I am a serial entrepreneur, leadership coach and writer based in Austin, TX. I’ve been featured on TED.com, founded an INC500 company, frequently speak for Fortune 500 organizations and facilitate workshops for startups.
in 2014, I launched Tribute.co to spread gratitude and meaningful connection in the world. The New Yorker called us “Hallmark 2.0.” and we make it easy to create group video montages and collaborative photo gifts. We made it all the way to #256 on the INC500 in 2021 and have delivered 7,000,000+ Tributes since launching.
Before launching Tribute, I started an award-winning children’s non-profit called Dreams for Kids DC. In three years, we established the org as one of the premiere adaptive athletic providers in Washington, D.C. (where kids with disabilities played sports with professional teams like the Washington Capitals and Redskins). I currently serve as the honorary board chair.
In 2017, I felt inspired to start the Junto, A community for leaders to explore men’s work and personal transformation. We currently host quarterly men’s retreats and lead several year long masterminds for entrepreneurs who are serious about personal growth.
In 2018, I began to shift my coaching and facilitation work onto something I call Relational Leadership, a proprietary 5-step framework to master difficult conversations, build meaningful relationships and lead thriving teams. I frequently host workshops and facilitate corporate offsites to teach teams these people-centric leadership skills.
In 2019, I started a fashion brand called Holy Shit We’re Alive to spread gratitude and awe in the world. Since then, we’ve got everyone from Elon, Rick Doblin and John Mackey to wear our gear.
My love for professional speaking and facilitation began at a young age, giving my first TEDx talk at 21. These days, I’m fortunate to speak at conferences (United Nations, Conscious Capitalism, Summit Series), colleges (NYU, Western Ontario) Fortune 500 companies (MasterCard, Google) and innovative startups (Mindbloom, General Assembly).
I also write a weekly substack blog and host a podcast called “What’s the big idea” where I invite world class thinkers and creators to share a singular idea they wish everyone could understand.
My current work is focused on supporting entrepreneurs and CEO’s as as a leadership coach. Since 2015, I have served as a trusted advisor to the CEO’s of unicorn startups like Casper, Hinge and TOMS.
Most importantly. I’m a proud dad to Hiro and Owen, loving partner to Melissa and spend my summers in Costa Rica surfing as much as possible. I’m just deeply grateful to be here.
Things I’ve built
Tribute makes it easy to create and gift a love-filled group video montage. Tribute was recently #256 on the INC500 list of fastes growing companies in America. We have delivered 7,000,000+ Tributes since Launching.
The IRL is a boutique consulting firm that helps people work better, together. From unicorn startups to the Fortune 500, we equip teams with the people-centric leadership skills needed to communicate, collaborate and resolve conflict.
The Junto is a community for leaders who are interested in the exploration of men’s work and personal transformation. The organizations hosts quarterly retreats and a year long mastermind.