The Official Launch of my Podcast - 'What's The Big Idea'
After many years knowing deep down that I would do this, I’m finally ready to share a very special project with the world.
I just launched my own podcast called “What’s The Big Idea.”
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Over the past 3 years, I’ve been entertained and learned so much from my favorite podcasts. Shows like Waking up with Sam Harris, The Joe Rogan Experience and Radiolab by NPR have been such a value add.
In that same span, I’ve started to spend more time helping entrepreneurs, activists and creatives to distill their “legacy message” and big ideas into TED talks, investor pitches and book proposals.
I love the process of helping really smart people to get clear on the most important message they have to share with the world.
That’s when the mission of ‘What’s The Big Idea’ became obvious to me.
What’s The Big Idea is a space for the some of the most creative, insightful humans on the planet to distill a single idea, lesson or piece of insight that will help you to live a better life.
The show revolves around asking each guest some iteration of the question “what is the single piece of insight or advice you wish more people could integrate into their lives right now?”
While I love podcasts, I feel that they can often cover so much ground that you leave them without a deep enough understanding to share the core ideas you just explored.
On ‘What’s The Big Idea’, we focus on a singular idea and use that as an anchor to explore who the guest is, why they care and most importantly, practical advice on how they have integrated the wisdom into their own life, so you can do the same for yourself.
We have created a format that is raw, easy to listen to, and delivers undeniable takeaway value to the listener.
Over the first few episodes, we’ve had on...
Grammy nominated musicians like Alex Ebert (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros) to talk about the reverse rebellion of cool. Exploring the forces that keep people from being joyful and fully expressed.
NYT bestseller and gender liberation activist Warren Farrell to talk about the danger of rigid gender roles and another way to think about “the patriarchy.”
World-renowned tantra expert and sex researcher Layla Martin to talk about the thing most people misunderstand about their sexuality.
I even interviewed my badass wife Miki to talk about the power of disruptive thinking to change the status quo.
If you want to follow along for the ride, you can subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or Stitcher.
Coming up we’ve got amazing people like John Gray, the best selling personal development author of all time and one of the leading academic researchers to talk about relationships and focusing on cognitive bias.
The fun is just getting started.
Why Am I Doing It? A Few Years Ago, A Friend Posed An Interesting Thought Experiment To Me...
What do you think you are known for...and what would you like to be known for?
He asked me to take a second and consider the two distinct responses. “Do they match up?” He asked.
While I don’t think it’s a good idea to pay so much mind to how you think the external world perceives you, I do think that having clarity on what you’d like to be known for can be an effective tool for guiding your energy and actions onto the projects and people that are most important to you.
If I were to guess what I’m known for by my friends and people that know me, I think a good number of them would say something along the line of “asking questions.”
Fortunately, I was and continue to be onboard with this answer.
I’ve found my life to be so much richer as I open myself up to understanding other people deeply.
I’ve noticed my own insecurities and anxieties drifting away as I released the need to know everything and began to trust my curiosity as a guide to meaningful connection and growth.
I find that the more I’ve allowed myself to learn through the experiences of others, I’ve simply been more capable of exploring my world and living the life I want for myself.
Most of all, I’m on board with being known for asking questions because I believe that asking honest, courageous questions is almost always an act of service in and of itself. The asker opens up an opportunity for learning and the “askee” gets to feel heard and appreciated.
Like the Dalai Lama once said…”When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new."
I love asking people great questions, I think I’m pretty good at it, and know that this can benefit people in the right context.
“What Has Become Clear To You Since Last We Met?”
This was the question that Ralph Waldo Emerson was renowned for asking his friends and colleagues when he saw them. An invitation and challenge to distill their latest thinking and ideas for public consumption.
What would it look like if you asked some of the smartest, most creative minds on the planet a question like that today? I’m determined to find out.
I hope you’ll join me on the ride.
Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or Stitcher.