What's The Big Idea: Emily Fletcher: Stressing Less and Accomplishing More With Mindfulness, Meditation and Manifesting


“The definition of stress is the space between where we are and where we think we should be.”


Today’s guest: Emily Fletcher

His big idea: Breaking down the myth that we don’t have time to meditate, and reconsidering how much stress is costing us in our lives.

Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation and the leading expert in meditation for extraordinary performance. Her book Stress Less, Accomplish More debuted at #7 out of all books on Amazon.
The New York Times, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Vogue and ABC News have all featured Emily’s work. She’s been named one of the top 100 women in wellness to watch, has taught more than 20,000 students around the world and has spoken on meditation for performance at Apple, Google, Harvard Business School and Barclays Bank. Ziva graduates include Oscar, Grammy, Tony & Emmy award winners, NBA players, Navy SEALs, Fortune 500 CEOs and busy parents
The Ziva Technique is a powerful trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting designed to unlock your full potential. It’s benefits include decreased stress, deeper sleep, improved immune function and extraordinary performance.

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Key insights Shared:

What led to the shift and success of Emily’s business Ziva: The book helped usher in a new echelon for the business but it was primarily a refining of the language and tools Emily had been using. 2017 was the real start of teaching tk medication and not simply repeating other peoples forms of meditation. 

The two problem’s Emily realized she needed to solve: 1) everyone thinks they’re too busy to meditate 2) everyone thinks they’re meditation failures. 

  • Mindfulness: addresses the stress of right now, and Ziva targets the stress created from the past. This is a trait change, creating a better return on investment.

  • Ziva technique: a trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting. Mindfulness to deal with your stress in the now. Mediation to deal with your stress from the past and manifesting to help with your dreams for the future. 

With Ziva the sum is so much bigger than the whole. You can manifest all day long, but without mediation you won't be able to live without the stress and feel the way you need to in order to reach that potential. So much of society is built around not feeling pain, mindfulness reteaches us to be in tune with what our bodies are telling us, 

  • The difference between mindfulness and Ziva meditation: Mindfulness is the art of bringing your awareness to the present moment. Beautiful and necessary. 

More about Ziva meditation: accessing a verifiable 4th state of consciousness, giving your body a state of rest deeper than sleep and utilizing tools that de-excite the nervous system. This helps remove stress within the body. 

Re-framing mediation: It’s not something you’ll get around to when you finally have the time. We need to re-frame mediation as the single most important tool of mental hygiene that we can access. 

Soma flow - the shifting state of consciousness. 

How meditation can help transcend past trauma: Mindfulness is great, but it only treats the symptom at that time, Ziva meditation provides deep rest, on a cellular level. Think of your brain as a computer - anytime you’ve ever been stressed or entered fight or flight it’s like leaving a window open on the computer (what’s called in neurology premature cognitive commitments) by the time the average adult is 20 years old we have around 10 million of these “open windows.” Mediation provides a process of opening these 10 million windows backup and clicking the x to finally close them. 

Understanding what unique qualities you can bring to a problem: Ask yourself “how does nature want to use me?” What unique qualities do I bring to a particular problem. Emily recognized that she communicated well to high achievers and she wanted to provide the feminine perspective to this field and break down the male guru dominated world of mediation. 

Meditation apps: A great “gateway drug” to introduce mediation, but there is so much more depth and understanding that can come from a deeper dive into these practices. 

 Application of the Ziva technique: You start your day and do your first sitting ideally before coffee, breakfast or computer. You are filling up your reservoir with bliss, fulfillment and the ability to adapt. At the point where you would typically use some kind of crutch (say a mid day cup of coffee) that’s when you do your second sitting. You start with mindfulness, move into mediation and finish into manifesting.

Manifesting: consciously creating a life you love. It sounds simple but not that many people are doing it. Not that many people are asking “how much money do I want to make this year, what do I want my friend group to look like?” Instead people ask bad questions like “why can’t I lose this weight? Why don’t I have him as a boyfriend?” If you ask yourself bad questions you’re going to get bad results. Manifesting is utilizing the sacred moment in mediation at the end. 

If you don't have a way to access source energy it’s easy to confuse addictive longings with intuitive desires. Unless you start to transcend your addictions (the “I’ll be happy when… syndrome) then you can start trusting your own desires.

Meditation is a skill: It’s something simple but it requires training and takes time to master.

to learn more about Emily and her work:

  • Visit Ziva mediation to access the online course

  • Buy Emily’s Stress Less Accomplish More book on Amazon


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